Saturday, March 12, 2005

The Morning of...

Well, here we are... The morning of the 'big day'... The house is still - everyone is still asleep. But it will take only one thing to break it and then the day will have truely started... And I can only image it will be breath takingly hectic until the end...

How do I feel? A sense of sadness lingers. I can imagine that it was to do with the home videos we watched last night. Another wedding when everyone was fit and healthy and there was no hint as to what was to come...

I have the sense of being alone. The last few years have been tough, both literally and laterally. I think somewhere inside me I have 'shut down'. Yesterday was a good learning curve - I realised how much I have 'cut myself' off. Now what to do about it. I seem keep repeat the pattern... There is still that part of me that wants what I wanted 12 years ago - but for some reason I still haven't achieved it. I think the wedding has 'unearthed' these emotions and in some ways I feel 'raw' and definetely reflective... Only time will tell how I deal with them. I sense some major life decisions looming to be decided...

' My mel' well, she is probably curled up asleep next to 'her Dave' and as it should be. I think some people are a little shocked that she and Dave are going to arrive together for the ceremony. Less romantic they say, but in a way I see it as very romantic - if that is the word you want to use to describe it. Both of them are very practical, down to earth 'no frills' people, yet are totally besotted with each other. I guess the way they see it is that they are already a couple and what they are doing today is wanting to make a declaration of that union. Her father picked it up well - they compliment each other. I think that they shall do well - sure they will have their ups and downs but underneath I sense something that is solid and true.

It promises to be a beautiful, golden autumn Melbourne day. A perfect day for a wedding...

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