Friday, April 15, 2005

It's Friday!!!!!!

Thank goodness it is the weekend... After a week and last Saturday working I need this weekend even though it is lining up to be a busy one... But I am going to do some stitching somewhere in it.... Th urge is returning to 'do something'... Little tendrils of creative 'smoke' are curling and weaving... I am being 'drawn back' to Mel's mermaid cross stitch... Time she was finished and 'launched'... I want to start something new but not while I still have Mel's and another to finish... Pam's owl is next... My beautiful North American Indian cross stitch calls to me... Indian love call??? But I shut my ears against his call... Not until I have finished the other things I say...

I am thinking about buying one of those floor stand lamps with the 'daylight' bulb and the magnifer - it will make my life easier then... Well that is the plan...

I also need some winter clothes for work... Now whilst I am not the best seamstress in the world I can make a halfway decent over shirt so I am thinking about one of my standard pattern and having a cutting out day for about three - then a 'put together ' day - about as close as I can get to mass production... I figure at my age I really don't have to worry about fashion (when did I worry about fashion?????) - and besides, perhaps I will wear more purple and red hats

I just love Friday nights - they are always so full of promise...

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