Sunday, May 01, 2005

The whinge...

Feeling at odds with myself today... My sinus is none the better despite yet another dose of high doseage antibiotics and a very strong cortisone/steriod medication... Last night I couldn't breathe properly after tea and it makes me feel so weary... Plus now it seems to be affecting my asthma as well... I believe that something has gone haywire in my system... I have decided to see a naturopath and see if looking at this from a different perspective might give me some answers. I feel quite toxic - physically, emotionally and spiritually... I think it is the overwhelming tiredness that is wearing me out... I just ache all over and feel like I haven't slept for days... This has been going on for months and months but just in the last few weeks it has reached an all time high... Stress, I believe is an underlying factor, but in today's living, it is all part of the equation...

Unfortunately all of this contributes to me generally and today I have just hung around in my nightie - very glamerous - not wanting to do much of anything... I just can't seem to 'rise above it'. Perhaps in my heart I know that something in my life has to change and it is acknowledging those changes that is the daunting part - plus not knowing exactly what has to change... Hmmm - enough!!!!

It is these sort of days when my thoughts turn to running away to Perth - to those friends and their house by the sea. If only...

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